Archbishop Duncan-Williams son, Deewiils, blows shisha like streetboy


In a new video, Daniel Duncan-Williams (also known as Deewills) sends a new message to his father, Archbishop Duncan-Williams, while blowing shisha.

The “prodigal son” has requested that he not be judged for his decisions because everyone has different paths to take and he has chosen his.

Despite being the son of Action Chapel’s founder, Deewills has shown no interest in pursuing the Christian faith, contrary to what his father believes.

Archbishop Dncan-Williams recently had to notify security to prevent him from traveling to Nigeria to meet a rumored girlfriend.

Deewills was later admitted to rehab while his father sought medication for what they suspected was a mental disorder plaguing him.

In this fresh video, Deewills is not only seen blowing the shisha but is also asked to live his life as he wants and not be judged for not deciding to follow his father and also become a pastor.