Armed robber shoots Effiakuma taxi driver, leaving him in bad condition

Raymond Okyere, a taxi driver in Effiakuma, a suburb of Sekondi-Takoradi in the Western Region has been shot by an armed robber after struggle over his vehicle.

Speaking to Skyy Power 93.5FM on Friday, July 2, he explained that the incident happened about a week ago when a robber hired him for a trip to Kojokrom.

He said, ” The robber told me to take him to Kojokrom, as we were going, he told me to change the route and head towards Essikado. We got to Essikado and made me wait for a while when he stepped outside the vehicle. As I was waiting, he came back and told me to take him back to Kojokrom.”

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Mr. Okyere revealed as they were heading towards Kojokrom, the robber pulled out a gun and shot him in the rib area whiles both of them were struggling over control of the vehicle.

According to him, he pretended to be dead and said, “The robber thinking I am dead decided to come to the driving side and take the car away, immediately he got down from the vehicle, I drove my car away whiles he left his gun at the back seat”

However, the victim drove to Kojokrom to seek for help. When a passerby decided to help by taking him first to the Police Station to write a statement and later to the Essikado Hospital. Also, he indicated the gun of the robber was handed over to the police.

Moreover, the police has visited Mr. Okyere only once after the incident and has not heard of any progress in the investigation of the matter.

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He indicated he is in a very bad condition, looking all pale and weak. And has been visiting the hospital once in a while to treat the wounds which the owner of the taxi foots the bill.


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