Court allegedly orders Tracey Boakye to move out of East Legon house by Friday – source discloses

Tracey Boakye

The actress Tracey Boakye’s East Legon home and the true owner of the property have both been the subject of controversy.

Blogger Aba The Great said on her page sometime last year that the home Tracey Boakye claims is hers actually belongs to a business tycoon by the name of Mr. Martin Kwaku Osei Brobbey.

Aba shared the photo of the real owner of the East Legon house but the actress came out to deny saying that she has rented the house out.

In a new development, Aba the great has shared a screenshot from Facebook, from a source who is the National communications officer of the ruling NPP with the fake name “Don Paino Mallam” posted on his page that the court has issued an order to Tracey Boakye to move out of the East Legon mansion by Friday.

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Sharing the screenshot, Aba captioned it, “We uncovered this news a year ago, we told u the East Legon house was owned by Mr. Brobbey… I brought this gist out like a year ago… I even said how can you move out of your own house and remove fixtures… the day we visited the house, I just knew something was off, and that was when I decided to investigate further… Today everything is unfolding. I will just sit back, watch, and say nothing at all 😎”.

Tracey Boakye


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