Do These 6 Things To Correctly Time Sex For Pregnancy

If you are, currently, trying to conceive, there’re a lot of factors to keep in mind, from fertility treatments to accurate sex timing.

Bear in mind, that the likelihood of conceiving just before or during ovulation is 50-50.

Technically, you can get pregnant at any time, during your menstrual cycle, even if you are having your period.

However, your odds of getting pregnant increase when you engage in daily sex during the most fertile period within your menstrual cycle.

That is why you need to study these 6 steps and keep them at your fingertips to know the best time to increase chances of getting pregnant :

1. Learn how to calculate your fertile window; determine your most fertile path, by counting from when your menses begin to the unlikely periods.

2. Pay attention to cervical mucus; It is a vaginal discharge that looks like raw egg whites, when it appears, it can only mean your chances of getting pregnant are solid.

3. Use ovulation predictor kits; They are test charts similar to pregnancy test kits. You may use them through the recommendation of a medic, to help track your fertile periods.

4. Take note of the change in your body temperature; when your basal body temperature rises, and remain high for a few days, it means you are ovulating, a signal to start marking your fertile days.

5. Have sex regularly; there is no timetable as to when to meet with your partner. If you cannot stomach all the stress of tracking and counting fertile dates, just meet with your partner from time to time.

6. Keep track of everything with fertility apps, especially if you are a novice with using the traditional bead method.

So, instead, of sitting down and sulking over getting pregnant and not knowing how to quicken the process, why not try these steps?

If you are not able to achieve the results you need, check up with a doctor.