I Was Once A Pickpocket – Nhyiraba Kojo Recounts Struggles

Nhyiraba Kojo discussed some of the most difficult tasks he had to complete while growing up before breaking through.

In an interview with blogger Sammy Kay, he acknowledged that he used to pickpocket, carry trash, and spend the night at a friend’s house in Kaneshie in exchange for cash.

“I recall sleeping on the streets of Kaneshie with Castro. We became into Kayayes, bus conductors, people’s trash carriers, and even pickpockets. I’ve stated all of these things before. I need to let people know whether God has blessed me, he remarked.

He declared that he had no intention of concealing his blessings because he overcame difficulty and found success in life.
Nhyiraba asserts that by sharing his experience, individuals in similar occupations can be motivated to realize that things can get better so they won’t give up.

“In Africa, we think of it as a show-off. No, it’s not trying to brag. I’m doing this so that the Kayaye person on the street who is removing trash from people’s homes may say, “Okay, he’s just like me, so tomorrow I’ll be there, too.”

What happens if we don’t inspire ourselves for others? You ask me to perform things in tiny increments or to get others to notice something that is irrelevant because God did not build the universe to be so small. No, we must do it so that others would be inspired, Nhyiraba Kojo continued.