Jackie Appiah flaunts her Ghc 18k Bubbery bag

Jackie Appiah flaunts her Ghc 18k Bubbery bag

Jackie Appiah, a Ghanaian actress and fashionista, has once again given Ghanaians something to talk about when it comes to her extravagant lifestyle.

Jackie Appiah, it seems, continues to reign supreme when it comes to owning and acquiring designer clothing.

I’m sure Jackie Appiah won’t wear anything if it isn’t from a well-known designer brand because she virtually always wears fashionable clothing in her social media posts.

The single mother just shared a fresh photo on her Instagram page where she displayed her Burberry Horseferry purse.

The Burberry Horseferry bag costs $1,500, which is equal to GHC 18,525.00, according to searches on Google.

She wore matching slippers, a stylish African print dress, and a jewelry set with diamonds that was reportedly very expensive.

In the time since this article’s publication, fans and family members have liked and commented on Jackie’s photo over 15,000 times.