Man arrested for having too many “wives” The police in Perth have taken a 48-year-old man into custody for having multiple wives.

The man will be tried for bigamy, according to the police. When he married his second woman in July 2020, he is accused of not having divorced his first wife.

The suspect, in addition to the second woman he married in July 2020, was said to have married a third woman last year after divorcing his second wife without getting a divorce.

After the man’s first wife, who lives in the eastern states, communicated with the second wife via social media and revealed his alleged duplicity, the Australian Federal Police began their investigation.

They claim that because the man was still legally married to his first wife, the second marriage was deemed invalid in Australia.

The third marriage is not the subject of any allegations of bigamy. He is accused of signing a formal “declaration of no legal impediment to marriage” and declaring that he had “never validly married.”

He said in a statement, “This kind of deception and offense has long-lasting and negative real-life impacts on the victims and their families, and the AFP will ensure that allegations like this are fully investigated.”
