The Untold Story Of Annie Cohen : American History

Annie Cohen Kopchovsky

She was born as Annie Cohen. When married, she became Annie Cohen Kopchovsky. But she gained fame, later on, as Annie Londonderry after she achieved a terrific feat of travelling around the world with just a bicycle.

Annie was a twenty-four-year-old mother of three children in 1894, when she decided to ride a bicycle across the world to prove that women were equally capable of achieving difficult tasks as men could.

Her decision was fueled by a bet, when two men wagered that there was no way a woman could ride all over the world on her own.

The challenge was to complete the journey within fifteen months(a year and three months), and earn $5,000 afterwards.

The Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Company offered her $100 to get an advertisement prepared and hanged on her bicycle– with the tag ‘Annie Londonderry’.

Throughout her trip, Annie Cohen Kopchovsky earned a lot of recognition worldwide, by making advertisements and holding lectures.

And, before the lapse of fifteen months, Annie returned to Boston, her home, as a winner– with a total cash prize of $10,000 for a feat well-achieved.

This tells a charismatic story which all women should take note of and portray similar traits, because boldness and determination can take them a long way in life.