Prostitutes At Tarkwa Are Prepared To Do House To House Service.
Prostitutes at the Tarkwa Railway Station say they are considering reviewing their services to attract more customers.
They say almost all their customers have stopped coming to their brothels, a reason they are yet to find out.
Even at the hight of the COVID-19 last year, customers were all over and had to select from men who were ready to pay more but the situation is not the same this year as they told reporter Adesi Kumi.
We have resolved to do house to house service since they are not coming maybe because of the COVID-19, they want us to serve them at their homes so we will try that, Rita Chioma said. Things have moved from bad to worse even when we have reduced our prices.
Initially our prices ranged from GH¢10 to GH¢30 cedis per round but we have reduced it to GH¢5, GH¢10 and even that, they are not coming, not even the galamsy guys who are our core clients she said.
The prostitutes mainly Nigerians between the ages of 14 to 35 years are located at the Tarkwa Railway Station in Tarkwa.