10 Proven Signs You So Do Not Care About You

Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for your health and happiness.

It is a process that goes, way beyond mental basis, but physically as well.

Taking care of your personal needs and all other aspects of your life is totally important, because it makes you content and eager to extend the same happiness and bliss unto others around you.

Here are the 10 most common signs that can depict that you are neglecting yourself and not caring enough :

1. You get easily peeved.

If at any point in your life, you easily get frustrated, mad and snap at others for little or no reason, then, you may want to start looking for soothing therapies; you sincerely want someone to care.

2. You get extremely stressed.

This situation happens when you do a lot more than you can physically handle, most of which may not be important to you at the time, so before the day ends, you find yourself getting physically exhausted.

3. You worry all the time.

It is said that worry never gets the job done. In actual fact, it gets little or nothing achieved. Rather, it makes you always agitated and compressed from all angles.

4. Your company is shunned.

What do you expect, when you constantly lash out on others for no mistake of theirs, just because of your drive for perfection? It is good to get things done the right way, but don’t do it at the hurting expense of your loved ones, else, they won’t ever want you around.

5. You crave less your passion.

When you are hell-bent on achieving your dreams and goals, it helps organize your every move and talk. But when, you start to let go of things, hobbies you used to desire, then you have begun caring less for yourself.

6. You don’t prioritize evenly.

Whiles it is humane to care for the needs of others and support their agenda, it doesn’t mean you should foster that at the expense of your own desires and dreams. You can do both by doing first things first.

7. You turn a blind eye to effects of your negative behavior.

This happens, often, with people of seemingly, low self-esteem, who attempt to make sense in all their dealings, but end up being a ‘repellant’ to peers, by lashing out and putting them down.

8. Your actions and life-plan are mismatched.

If you are someone who says A and later does the opposite, people will see you as unreliable, which will earn you a bad reputation. If you care for yourself, you will be concerned about what you do in public.

9. You lack inspiration.

Everything will, definitely, fall into place when you are driven by inspiration, when you love what you’re doing, when you want to do things to benefit yourself and others; when your desire for quality starts declining, you need to re-focus.

10. Painkillers, caffeine and alcohol turn refuge-tank.

You should tend to be sensitive to signs your body emits, in whatever you are doing, so you don’t do more than required, else you will reach a stage where you need to fall on stimulants to regain energy.

Self-care is not selfishness; it has a lot of benefits which extends a lot of gratitude to the world and people in it.