Avoid These 10 Foods If You Want Your Children To Be Healthy

It is important for children of all ages to have a lot of energy, running around with laughter written all over their faces.

Pre-schoolers, for instance, can often move from one another, because they are active.

This is why they will need to eat good food to create a healthy balance between their growth and activities.

It may feel convenient and fast, to serve easy snacks and fizzy drinks to your children, especially when you are busy working, or when they are throwing fits of tantrums, but it is, also, worthy to check the nutrient contents of those foods, to avert any danger to their health.

Below is the list of appealing, yet, dangerous foods to avoid totally or feed in moderation to your children :


This contains bacteria, which causes a severe form of food poisoning in children, when taking in excess. Adults can consume it, often, because they tend to develop an immune system, capable of handling the bacteria. Reason it is not safe for children with under-developed immune systems.

Microwaved popcorn

Be mindful that the bags used to package this snack can release harmful chemicals into the child’s body, thereby hindering the developmental process. You may prepare fresh popcorn, instead of purchasing the already-packaged kernels in a microwave.


A little sweetened ice is okay once In a while, yet, due to the sugar and fat excess, avoid feeding it to your child frequently,as it can increase their resistance to healthier foods. You can blend fresh fruits, put them in appealing containers and freeze for the same benefits.


If it has been dubbed terrible for adults, then it is even worse for children. A single 500ml of soda contains about 60g of sugar, way too much for a developing child, leading to the high risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and excessive aggression.

High-Fat Cookies

Even though, cookies contain milk, which provides calcium, excellent for strengthening teeth and bones, do ensure that children do not overeat, look out for cookies without artificial additives.

Cheese Snacks

These snacks, often, contain high salt and fats, even though, the calcium content is high and good. Look out for ones with no additives and allow consumption once in a blue moon.

Raw Milk

This type of milk comes, directly, from the cow together with all the impurities and germs. Pasteurized milk is healthy enough, as the pasteurization process helps destroy many harmful bacteria like listeria or E.coli in the raw milk.

French Fries

Most children love this fast food, together with ketchup or salad cream. But, apart from the fact that it is loaded with fats and salt, it is, also, fried in oil which gets soaked in it in the process — totally not healthy for a developing child.

Canned Fish

Although, fish is good for children’s build-up, too much intake of canned fish may not always be a good choice of nutrition. Excessiveness leads to the break down in a child’s nervous system.

Chewing gum

This is a choking hazard for younger children, as most of them tend to savour the sweetness quickly and forcibly swallow in the process. Swallowing gums, also, cause intestinal distress.


Children have these delicacies at their disposal all the time, at home, in their lunch bags; whereas the constant intake causes stomach upsets, depending on the severity of the intake, sweets discolour teeth and weaken them subsequently.