2024 Elections Shall Be Bloodbaths – Owusu Bempah predicts

2024 Elections Shall Be Bloodbaths - Owusu Bempah predicts

Deadly mayhems and commotions will characterize the elections of 2024 in Ghana despite the presence of the national security forces that would be dispatched to various polling stations across the length and breadth of this country where even in the events leading to that, certain indications available to him pointed it out to the fact before him that, people will attack the government and presidency just in the name of political administration and power.

Reverend Owusu Bempah, has, therefore, prophesied that dangerous moments are coming to visit Ghana very soon because of the upcoming general elections to elect a new government after the end of the tenure of office for the current president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo who took over affairs from the erstwhile administration of John Dramani Mahama and his political appointees barely five years ago.

According to Owusu Bempah, an ardent supporter of the current president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, he saw blood spillage brewing and oozing out from the nostrils of certain big political bigwigs in both the ruling party and other notable opposition political parties that are trying so hard to wrestle power from the shackles and jaws of the current political party, the New Patriotic Party because the tenure of office of the president will be elapsing in due cause.

He revealed that all is not going to be well in the presidency and those who are yearning to hold onto power because there would be bloodshed between the governing New Patriotic Party and the restless other members from the opposition political fronts who will not allow anyone to try any orthodox means as in a way of defrauding or cheating other people due to their crafty nature and conducts because they also mean business with red eyes to snatch political power from the ruling government.

Owusu Bempah has been in the news quite lately for stating that, he does not pray for the progress of the country anymore due to the leadership style of president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo who is widely regarded and acclaimed as his very close ally but he stressed that, his spirit indicated to him that, the president does not have God at heart again and that is the purpose why things are not picking up how they are expected in the country.

He painted a very gloomy picture that, what would happen in Ghana before, during, and after the 2024 general elections, would not be pleasant to certain people who think they are exempted from every act of financial reckless spending and looting the coffers of the nation with impunity because they are in power thereby, abusing and maltreating those who do not belong to them or those who do not share the same ideology with them on their political path and thus, excluding and ostracising such people from the authorities of state but on that very fateful day, they will see a very horrible incident involving their political party and that of the other clashing head-on wrestling and battling it out for supremacy over who takes over the affairs of the country when the tenure of office for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo elapses.

His comments are somehow considered by some individuals who are concerned about the peace and security of Ghana as risky and volatile which could easily inflame passion and incite violent conduct in the mindsets of certain ignorant members of society who are likely to be recruited and used by political authorities who only seek power for their parochial interest and not the benefits of Ghana.

Some people are also agitating seriously and lamenting gravely the utterances of Owusu Bempah describing them as draconian and turbulent thereby, pleading with the police hierarchy to summon him to further explain in detail what he meant by his earlier indicated statements on the peace and security of the country.

Source: www.ghbuzznews.com


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