Why men die earlier than their expected time?


Did you know that the life expectancy in the USA is 79 years old while in Nigeria a man, is 55 years old?

Meaning that it is expected for a male African to die early. Not only that, women have a higher life expectancy than men.

I was shocked to see that women in Russia have 16 years of higher life expectancy compared to men. So, this raised a question within me as a man, why is it that men are expected to die early?

I made some research and it was discovered that men hardly pay attention to their health.

In the quest of providing for their family, many men are sacrificing their health and now they are paying dearly for it by experiencing poor sex activities, frequent urination, waist pain, inability to empty the bladder, prostate infection, and high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Now here are major mistakes to pay attention to as a man, to increase your life expectancy.

1. No or low intimate relationship with their doctor.

Did you know that some men do lie to their doctors?

It was confirmed that the majority of men don’t have any intimate relationship with their doctor. Unless an illness is giving a man pain that is when he will go to the hospital.

If prostate pain is not unbearable a man won’t go for a check-up, and a man won’t take supplements.

2. Not modifying Risk Behaviors.

As a man, you can say I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol but how did I come across these prostate issues? Well, there are some habits that truly contribute to prostate danger which many see as good health practices. E.g taking certain blood tonics etc.

3. Not Knowing your Family History.

You can’t modify your personal biology if you don’t your family I.e your genetics.

If we know you have a history of prostate issues, it will help us know the treatment that will be administered to give change in your personal biology so that good health can be attained.


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