Origin Of Butter-Milk Pancakes, Special Ingredients & Video (A Must Watch)

According to specific findings through Ghbuzznews.com, pancakes are not a recent food craze.

It has been a special delicacy since the Stone Age, about 30,000 years ago, whereby the name was ‘panecake’ or ‘ponkake’– in relation to the Oxford Dictionary collated description.

The ancient Greece and Rome citizens used to bake them on ‘hot stone’– what we will modernise today as the ‘brick oven’.

Antique pancakes were made from wheat flour, olive oil, honey and curdle milk; ancient Greek poets like Cratinus and Magnes eulogized pancakes in their poetry, Shakespeare did likewise.

It was due to these stories and experiences that has made pancakes common and break-fast friendly.

A lot of chefs have come up with varied recipes and varied types of pancakes for consumption, technology has, also, made it easier for it’s preparation and accessibility.

Here are some agreeable ingredients you should look out for when making pancakes :

— flour

— eggs

— baking yeast

— nutmeg powder

— sugar

— water

— salt(optional)

— oil

See below the video which guides you on the best way to prepare pancakes any time, any day :