The display of class, luxury and riches at #WHYFYNNAD23


The hashtag #WHYFYNNAD23 is currently popular on social media sites. Users are interested in the lavish wedding.

Unmatched sparkle and luxury are on display. This wedding’s components can be compared to those of the best weddings that have taken place in Ghana to date.

On Good Friday, April 7, 2023, Whyfynn will tie the knot with Akufo-Addo’s goddaughter, Queen Nadia, in a lavish ceremony.

Online videos show the bride stepping out of a Rolls Royce as the groom traveled in a procession of costly vehicles.

The groom and his groomsmen displayed affluence during the vibrant wedding ceremony conducted at the Kempinski Hotel.

They arrived at the venue in a convoy of luxurious vehicles. Among the cars were a number of Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz G-Wagon, and others.