The Ghanaian millionaire who married after 4 months of dating


When he was running a family business, he first met her. He was 25 years old when he married her after only four months of dating.

That is the tale of well-known businessman Dr. Ernest Ofori Sarpong’s wife, who is not normally in the spotlight.

Their love journey was chronicled in a GhanaWeb article on April 25, 2021.

Is there a set amount of time that couples must date before getting married? Individual responses to this question will differ. It’s impossible to define what constitutes “normal” in terms of how long a couple should date before getting engaged. The dates given can range from decades to just four days.

Even though everyone — your parents and extended family members and friends—will have an opinion on the matter; from “You’re jumping in too quickly!” to “It took him way too long to propose — are you sure?” there isn’t a magic formula. Only you can know when you’re ready to take the next step.

After only four months of dating his wife, Ghanaian millionaire Dr. Ofori Sarpong was certain it was time to advance their relationship.

He revealed this in an interview with Joy FM that GhanaWeb was watching.

He claims that Mrs. Ofori Sarpong, who at the time resided in the United States, frequently visits and vacations in Ghana. He proposed to her during one of these journeys.

“I met her when I was 25 years and was then managing the family business. I met her through her elder sister. She used to live in London and sometimes comes for holidays…We dated for about 3 or 4 months and we got married. I didn’t want to go wayward…I felt I needed to be more responsible,” he said in the interview.

They have three lovely daughters—a pharmacist, a lawyer, and a medical school final-year student—and have been married for 29 years.

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