Check out why this engaged lesbian couple caused a stir on social media

Why this engaged lesbian couple caused a stir on social media

A lesbian is a female homosexual. Regardless of sexual orientation, the term is also used to describe or link nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction when used to women and their sexual identity or sexual activity.

There has been significant hostility to homosexuals and lesbians having nuclear families with the same legal, medical, and other rights as heterosexual, “Mum and Dad” families, possibly because this definition of “family” cannot apply to any same-sex couple family. Although numerous studies show that children raised by lesbians and gays are “indistinguishable” from children raised by heterosexuals, critics nonetheless say that same-sex couple family configurations are harmful to the children (Patterson, 1992).

Several well-known organizations have released comments in recent years to refute these scientifically unfounded arguments against same-sex marriage, such as the one from the American Academy of Pediatrics (2006).

There is no connection between a parent’s sexual orientation and any metric of a child’s emotional, psychological, and behavioral adjustment, according to more than 25 years of research. These findings show that having one or more LGBT parents does not put kids at risk for developing health problems.

Adults who are responsible and nurturing can make wonderful parents, whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, or both.

Speaking of lesbians, this couple got engagedĀ and this caused a stir on social media.




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