Sista Afia, as she is affectionately called, has caused massive crowds to storm on social media after which she declared that she wanted to give birth to at least, six wonderful babies for six different men who will be bold and brave enough to say they are the ones responsible for this or that child while both of them will agree mutually to exclusively rejoice over the appearance of the child.
Her pronouncements do not go down well with others who are thinking that she is going too far about how she lives her private life most especially on social media platforms here in Ghana and the rest of the world as large. Having six children from reproductive organs of six different men, should not be anything that will sound sensible and religious to individuals who are thoughtful purposely because of the nature of her tone whenever she comes on air to talk about her personal life and life with other people who are very close to her.
There is nothing wrong with giving birth as long as the woman who is going to give birth to the child is of sound mind and character but as it stands now, there is there need to make sure you can provide a convincing answer to those who are following you on social media channels because some of them were prepared to come on air as social and moral life come in the country because they must bear the name of those who have undertaken such immoral activities and illicit activities embarked upon by those who live just to please God devoid of the rancho and persistent acrimony between her and those who believe that what she is preaching there is life in it so that president who are not reasonable enough, to prepare and accept or endorse such disturbing phenomena of where she is sending her personal life spectacles too.
As Sista Afia has indicated of her influence when it comes to manhood since in this country nowadays, committed students because they are going to attend to their homework even though there may be the wrong instance as to be the brain behind the decision taken of the devil incarnate to be the next day of the barrister in the country.
Due to the information communicated to some indecent men, they are already applauding the woman for coming out due to their desire in doing things that are liked by society without receiving any shame and reproach for it as a deterrent.
Sista Afia has begun receiving telephone calls inciting her to go and have the desire of the flesh to have its own fully flesh feeling devoid of any interference from the general public that will not speak well spoken about to others who may not know her very well but the fact must be established that, any woman who shows herself to six men whilst six children are produced, such individuals are not correct.