Terrorists Fight Out With The Army Of Togo

Terrorists Fight Out With The Army Of Togo

Suspected terrorists have engaged in a fierce shootout with the military forces of Togo close to the borderline of Ghana.

Those in the North East region of Ghana have raised the alarm as they could hear the shooting incidents with their

Many residents living near the border with Togo have fled the community for fear of being killed.

As they engaged in the shooting encounter with the military forces, unfortunately on the part of the armed forces, some of their military officers have been shot and maimed causing varying degrees of injuries on their body parts.

The Togolese army has announced its readiness to combat the dirty works of the terrorists to restore peace and security in the country.

The shooting in which saw a lot of the military forces of the Togolese army dating for the bullets of oterroristorists gangs where some of them sulfite-threatening injuries.

Earlier the Togolese army indicated that they were on high alert and learned of the intended attacks to be launched on the country by the terrorists whose activities have become serious threats to the life and properties of the citizens in the country.

The shooting incidents happened rightborderlineder line between Togo and Ghana and due to that Ghanaians living in the North East region have registered their apprehension of the whole activities from those lawless hooligans who have taken upon themselves jeopardize  the peace and security of nations.

Such recalcitrant individuals would not be allowed into the territory of Ghana as earlier indicated by the interior ministry because our armed forces are on the red alert for such terrorist.

Those terrorist activities embarked upon by such evil forces have incursions in many parts of the world including that of Nigeria where it is home-like routine activities for them and terrorize innocent people on daily basis and shoot them down in the process without being arrested.

Source: www.ghbuzznews.com


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